What's the deal with toners?

What's the deal with toners?

Hi, I'm Jodie Baker, I'm the owner of Homepeel, Australia's favourite cosmeceutical grade natural skincare brand. I get emailed quite a lot as to why we don't stock toners and that is because toners 99.9% of the time are drying alcohols. And you might be looking at your toner right now and going, mine doesn't have an yalcohol in it, it's witch hazel. Well, witch hazel is basically a natural alcohol as well. This idea that we need to balance our skin out, in my opinion, and I've been doing this for over 20 years, I'm 50 now and I've been running Homepeel for basically 20 years. 17, maybe 18 years.

Anyway, yes. So I have been doing this for a really long time and I can tell you from my experience is that we don't need toners. In fact, putting harsh chemicals or any form of alcohol on your skin on a daily basis is ageing you. It's very counterproductive to skincare if you're investing in skincare, especially if it's cosmeceutical grade, meaning that these beautiful scientifically proven ingredients at high percentages to the percentage they need to be in order to actually work. And it's also coming along with an ingredient like alcohol or harsh chemicals or awful preservatives that are banned in some countries. If you've got them together, then basically you're wasting your money because in one hand you're doing great work and in the other hand you're drying your skin out. So that's all I've got to say about that. Go to homepeel.com.au if you want to find out more and maybe speak to one of our skincare coach consultants. Have a great day.
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