Got Lumbs?

The video answers below questions:

  1. What are the little lumps that can form underneath the skin?
  2. When did you first notice these lumps on your skin, and what prompted your investigation into their cause?
  3. What was the revelation regarding the cause of these skin issues?
  4. How did the use of expensive products with chemicals contribute to the development of these lumps?
  5. Can you explain why you started looking for alternatives like the Homepeel range?
  6. What criteria did you have in mind when seeking alternatives for skincare products?
  7. How did you manage to strike a balance between using strong, active ingredients and maintaining a natural and chemical-free approach in your products?
  8. What are some of the benefits of using skincare products with natural, raw ingredients and no chemicals?

Hi, guys.Today I'm going to talk about what causes those little lumps that you see underneath your skin. I noticed them when I was in my mid 30s. They just came out of the blue. And I eventually discovered that it was all these really expensive products that I was buying that were full of chemicals. The chemicals were creating it. That's the reason why I started to look for alternatives for the Homepeel range. I wanted to have natural but powerful, natural but active, because a lot of the time, the natural products just didn't work. They were a little bit wishy washy. So we found this beautiful balance of strong, active ingredients that's also natural with no chemicals. So you can get all the beautiful benefits of these beautiful, natural, raw ingredients without all the chemicals creating havoc in your skin. Thank you so much for listening today. Again, this is me. I always do my products, my videos without any makeup on. Thanks.

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